If you and your spouse have decided to separate, now is the time to think about child custody. While you won’t need to have an official agreement in place until your divorce is finalized, this is the perfect opportunity to work out a custody schedule that works. You...
Year: 2021
3 possible benefits of attending mediation during a Florida divorce
Florida divorces can end up in court when spouses don't agree on the major details. You have to determine how to split your property with your ex. If you have minor children together, there will also be custody and support issues to negotiate. Many couples, still...
Getting custody with legal acknowledgement of parentage
As a father, something you have to keep in mind is that it’s not always straightforward that you’re the father of your child. You may not look similar, and you could even have different skin or eye colors. Appearances don’t tell the whole story, which is why it’s...
3 reasons you may need a prenuptial agreement
A prenuptial agreement takes the mystery and the contention out of a divorce. When you and your fiance set certain terms before you get married, you will know what to expect if you someday decide to divorce. Prenuptial agreements, far from being documents that only...
What should you consider before going through a divorce?
Before you get a divorce, there are many things you should think about and do. Deciding to divorce, and bringing it up to your spouse, may be a nuclear option, so you don’t want to bring it up unless you’re positive that it’s what you want. Before you file for...
3 benefits that inspire couples to settle divorce before court
Divorce often involves litigation, but it doesn't always. A rising number of couples choosing to end their marriages choose not to litigate or fight in court about their property or the terms of their shared custody arrangements. Instead, they work with one another...
What do the Florida courts consider when dividing property?
People considering divorce usually have a lot of questions. Many of those questions have to do with property and income. You've probably heard a nightmare story about one spouse receiving everything and the other left homeless and still paying child support. In...
What role does paternity play during a Florida divorce?
Paternity proceedings typically occur when someone conceives a child outside of wedlock. The person who believes he is the father will have to either work with the mother to submit paperwork to the state or ask the courts to order genetic testing. However, paternity...