Paternity is the legal term for the state acknowledgment of a man's parentage. A woman's parentage is very obvious, as medical professionals typically assist with or at least serve as witnesses to the labor and delivery process. A man's relationship with the child can...
Firm News
What helps with establishing paternity?
Establishing paternity can be important for numerous reasons. For one thing, it can simply protect the relationship between a parent and a child. There could also be financial considerations, especially if one person needs to pay child support. How can you actually...
What happens during an adoption home study?
When a couple decides that they would like to adopt a child, the state needs to ensure that the adoption is actually right for that couple and for the child involved. Part of this process includes doing a home study. The couple that has applied for adoption will have...
What factors can influence selections in child guardianships?
Part of estate planning may include choosing a potential guardian for your child. You hope that nothing will happen and you will be around to raise them until they are 18, but you also recognize that this doesn't always happen, and you want to make sure that you have...
Why do you need a lawyer when creating a will or trust?
You can go to the bookstore to find an introductory guide to estate planning or even download pre-made forms right off the internet. While these may seem like clever ways to beat the system, estate planning without professional support can lead to major issues. Those...