Experienced Legal Guidance For You And Your Family

Experienced Legal Representation For Parental Relocations

A parental relocation after a divorce can provoke a lot of conflict and custody issues. The relocating parent may have legitimate reasons for wanting to move away with the children, and the non-relocating parent may have equally legitimate concerns about losing parenting time.

At The Law Office of Kenneth J. Louie, I take a hands-on approach to every case. When you have a sensitive child custody issue involving parental relocation in Plantation, Fort Lauderdale or elsewhere in Broward County, Florida, I will provide trustworthy, experienced guidance. I am attorney Kenneth Louie, and I can help you decide how to approach this situation and advocate for your rights throughout the process.

What Controls Whether A Parental Relocation With A Child Will Be Allowed?

Section 61.13001 of the Florida Statutes considers a relocation to be any location 50 miles or more away from the parent’s primary residence for at least 60 consecutive days as of the last custody order in place.

To determine whether relocation will be permitted, the court will examine numerous factors, including whether the relocation is sought in “good faith” and the extent to which the non-relocating parent has fulfilled their support obligations. The child’s relationship with each parent will also be considered. In the end, the court’s decision will always be based on whether the move serves the best interests of the child in some way.

It is important to note that, even if both parents agree to the child’s relocation and all the details, the court must still approve the relocation request. All the proper steps have to be taken to make certain that the child’s interests are protected. Failure to do so can result in contempt of court proceedings and other penalties, including modification of custody.

Call A Lawyer About Your Child Custody And Relocation Concerns

Child custody issues involving parental relocations are often deeply emotional issues that must be navigated with extreme care. You need a compassionate, determined lawyer on your side to protect your interests and those of your child.

To schedule your free consultation at The Law Office of Kenneth J. Louie, call 954-546-7328 or use my online contact form. I put families first.